Krystallax Invasion - Game Screenshot

Krystallax Invasion Video Game – CMPT 106 Class Project

Krystallax Invasion is a weird little video game that I created with my university classmates Ben Whittaker and Mike Sinclair. It was made with Processing software in Carl Gutwin‘s video game design class (CMPT 106) at the University of Saskatchewan in 2010 as a class assignment.

Krystallax Invasion: Super Cheesy Black Hole Apocalypse a two player, keyboard controlled, co-operative, “escape the room” style game, featuring a double 3D room cube interface.  Each side of the screen represents the player’s individual view of the interior of a spaceship hurtling through the galaxy, each on their own quest. The alien player’s goal is to DESTROY EARTH, while the human’s goal is to SAVE THE PLANET. The co-operative element requires the two players to solve a puzzle together in order to collect all of the elements their player requires to complete their quest.

Admittedly, the game is pretty frustrating, yet it is possible to win the game…from either character’s side of the game.

*it takes a while to load, please be patient!

Krystallax Invasion Gallery

Here is a video of the paper prototype we used to present the video game concept to our class.

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